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Support The O’Shaughnessy

The O’Shaughnessy’s world-class artistic offerings are made possible by gifts from generous individuals, foundations and other agencies. Please click the donate button below to help us continue to offer performances that center women’s voices and reflects the diversity of our region.

Corporate Sponsorship Program

Your commitment to St. Catherine University and our mission to educate women to lead and influence makes a difference in the lives of thousands of students every year. At the same time, it positions your company directly in front of our patron base – comprised primarily of members of the campus community, the general public of Highland Park, and our core audience of 25,000 households in Minneapolis/St. Paul with discretionary income who have a history of attending events at The O’Shaughnessy over the past 50 years. We expect to produce more than 40 productions in the upcoming season, each with an almost unique set of patrons, and over 40,000 people are expected to join us for a performance in the year ahead.

Download our Program Sponsorship Brochure to learn more about the opportunities to support The O’Shaughnessy.

Our Funders

Select activities made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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