Don’t call them a team.
“Theater production terminology like ‘deck’ and ‘rigging’ came from nautical origins, so the backstage folks are usually referred to as a ‘crew,’” says Troy Wilhelmson, assistant production manager and video services manager. “And at The O’Shaughnessy, we’ve always thought of ourselves as a bit of a pirate crew.”
Given the length of time that most of this particular crew have been manning the lights, sounds, and scenery of “the O’Shag” together — a cumulative 126 years — it makes sense that they have developed a special, battle-tested bond.
It’s that same dynamic that inspired Bri Atwood, the newest crew member, to join as sound technician last year. “I thought, ‘Wow. There’s something really special here, if these humans have stayed together and at The O’Shaughnessy all these years,’” she says.
Get to know the exceptional crew members behind The O’Shaughnessy, each of whom answered a series of questions about their time at the St. Kate’s theater. Read more below.
The crew:
- Kevin Jones — production manager; has been with The O’Shaughnessy for 36 years. He manages all backstage operations and contract generation for rentals.
- Mary Beth “MB” Zorn — light technician; has been with The O’Shaughnessy for 26 years. She runs lights for shows, and sometimes calls the show as well (directing other crew members to raise or lower the curtain, move the scenery, etc.).
- Troy Wilhelmson — assistant production manager and video services manager; has been with The O’Shaughnessy for 26 years. He oversees events in the Frey Theater and Recital Hall, and livestreams The O’Shaughnessy events.
- Chadwick Cook — production services coordinator; has been with The O’Shaughnessy for 24 years. He oversees the crew, serves as point of client contact, and manages backstage staffing for all events.
- Roger Rosvold — carpenter and rigger; has been with The O’Shaughnessy for 11 years. He creates scenery for the stage, and oversees anything lifted above the stage like curtains, lights, and decorations.
- Bri Atwood — sound technician; has been with The O’Shaughnessy for one year. She manages microphones and ensures quality of sound for the audience.